Friday, August 3, 2012 • 4:23 AM • 0 comments
Assalamualaikum. 안녕하세요 !

Today's entry is all about INFINITE

Ranking King

Rutin saya setiap Jumaat, mesti tengok Infinite Ranking King. Of course la with Eng sub, saya ni bukan faham sangat Korean. Just some simple words je kalau faham pun. If saya nak tengok yang ber-sub english, ada satu website yang saya paling suka, Kpopjunkie.com sebab dia punya sub 100% betul. The most important is high quality. Almost HD la.

Kalau korang tengok Ranking King ni, I swear memang gelak nak gila la. Dengan 'GyuGeeGee', 'Mr. I-Knew-It' etc. Diorang ni memang gila tak bertempat. Dongwoo gelak epic giler, buat lawak dengan mata Gyu, choding Sungyeol, charismatic L, pretty boy Jongie, Nam Grease and lastly our so I-want-everthing-purple, Hoya. Habis semua benda nak purple. Why don't you pujuk Woollim color your hair purple for next comeback, okay!

each episode got ranking. Example, for episode 1, they got Likeability King. Guess who's the winner *drummmm* Jongie!!! episode 2 got ermmm.. apa eh? Lupa la. So, you guys kena tengok sendiri. Just tekan link yang saya bagi tadi and there you are, in the website already ^^

Hari ni episode 11 pulak, sambungan episode 10, Courage King. Mesti best oh~ Sebab masa episode 10, dia stop masa Dongwoo muka macam nampak hantu, can't describe muka dia tu macam  mana tau. But. don't know dia nampak apa. So excited nak tengok!

Summer Concert Teaser

 Dah tengok?! Daebak kan? Suka sangat tengok teaser ni, even dah banyak kali replay pun still tak bosan. 
You see Namu with the lollipop, Yeollie's bed hair and bahu dia nampak, Dongwoo yang dah 'kelolo' gila tu, L buat 'shhhh' tu, OMO! so sexy la and semua la.  I can't resist Infinite. 
Why you must be so perfect okay, even some Inspirits getting pervert because of these guys. Aish~ Ottoke? 
 I blame you Woollim for creating Infinite. LOL. I'm joking okay, don't take it seriously. Thank you for making Infinite exist. They give happiness to Inspirits, you don't know how happy they are. 
But, this concert in Korea. Whae tak buat jelajah dunia or Asia? Poor us, please esp Malaysia. We have been dying to see Infinite coming here. Promise us, Woollim, make Infinite come here, okay
She's Back MV 
This MV.. OMG! so beautiful. How can Woolllim made a very beautiful MV like this. Plus, Infinite make it look more perfect than it is. 
Yeollie so cute with his red hair and dia ikat rambut dia macam tu. Yiiii!! Comel sangat. You see Hoya swimming? heaven for those pervert Inspirits. I'm NOT, okay. I'm all innocent girl. 
Lots of Myungyeol moments, LeaderGyu is lazying/bossy on the chair and that walk-like-penguin Dongwoo. He's so funny. Namu and Sungjong too. OMG! I cannot  
Kalau korang perasan, selipar Myung tercabut 1:38 and Inspirits made a hashtag #Myungsooforgothisslipper #Myungsootertinggalselipar and everything was about Myungsoo and his slipper. They even buat team #TeamInspiritGila for Malaysian Inspirit. How random can they be. haha~ The best part is, they all become FAMILY ^^
Guess what? Our LeaderGyu dah buat account Twitter yang baru. Why yang baru? 
Okay, for those who don't know yet. Gyu forgot his Twitter password, aigoo~ That's one of the reason why we call you GrandpaGyu. 
The funniest was his Twitter name is @kyuzizi . I think it come from the word GyuGeeGee but he misspelled it or he purposely did that to make it look funny. Congratulation Gyu, its a funny thing. Since Dongwoo's the only one understand English, Inspirits tweet him to tell his Gyu hyung about the so-funny username. 
Thanks to Dongwoo for giving idea to Gyu.  
I think someday Inspirit should trend GyuGeeGee. 
Sungyeol injured 
I don't know much about this but I just know that something happened to his left eyes.
 (cr: as tag)
You can't see it from here. But, he put a white cotton maybe on his left eye. Poor Yeollie~ Hope you get well soon and smile again. We want to see the happy go lucky choding Sungyeol again ^^ #GetWellSoonSungyeol
 Namu and Jongie 
 This is the funniest. Woohyun and Sungjong appear dalam kertas Kemahiran Hidup.
(cr: @baconamu )
Saya ada la tengok Malaysian Inspirit tweet pasal Sungjong and Woohyun cameo dalam kertas exam diorang tapi ingatkan diorang buat lawak je. Sampai la ada orang share gambar tu. I was like "dfhnkufvgtbtvferyk" Biar betul!?
 I bet orang yg buat soalan tu is an Inspirit. Mesti Inspirit yg tengah jawab tu terkejut gila pastu tersengih-sengih sensorang sebab idol diorang masuk soalan exam. If its me, memang jadi macam tu la. Lain kali buat banyak sikit soalan macam ni, boleh?

Hello and Welcome my matoki(s). You have entered my place where we have rainbow and sunshine. Be happy here


"All things are DIFFICULT before they are EASY"



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