HEY buddies. My name is Dinie Nurina. Well, call me Dinie for short. I was born in 18th August 1999. A Leo, a pediophobia, a daughter, a student, an athlete, a lover and an EXO-L ♡
Good New is U-KISS is coming to Malaysia this May. Well, on 26th May 2012. Yeay *loncat-loncat*. I think its true since semua orang kecoh pasal benda ni. One more thing, its FREE. Who won't go for something free? Everyone will kan?! Tapi, my mom cakap kat aku "Kalau free tak payah pergi la." And i was like"????" Tak faham! Maybe
Tapi keburukan free ni ialah, too many people since everyone can afford it. Takkan la aku nak pergi mall tu pagi-pagi semata-mata sebab event tu start petang. Sebelum mall tu buka, dah ada depan pintu. Ya Allah~ Serius tak sanggup kalau aku sensorang. Tapi,kalau aku datang lewat, penuh la tempat tu jawabnya. The answer is duduk belakang la sayang oi. Hope not la.
Okay. Since aku stay kat Terengganu, aku mesti la 'bodek' ayah aku nak pergi KL. I got 1000 reasons to go there. *LOL*
Also, i got relatives there. One of them is a fan of Kpop. Okay, dia Inspirit but who cares? She have lot of friend that really strong to these Kpop thing. Kalau tak silap, salah sorang kawan dia tu official ketua fanclub U-kiss Malaysia. Maybe should ask help from her . ^^ Dapat VIP service ke. Who knows kan?? haha XD
If you know, 26th May tu Hari Belia. That mean CUTI . Teen Top and Dal SHabet pun datang but not the same event with U-kiss. It's something berkaitan dengan Hari Belia. Last year kan jemput Super Junior M. Tukar-tukar la. Who knows next year maybe SNSD? Okay. Forget those Teen Top thing. I'm not a really fan of them so I don't really care.
I'm going to discuss with Yaya about this. What to do? What to bring? Do we have to make a fanboard? What we have to give them? and etc. Should I berpakat dengan Kak Mimi? Tapi tak tahu la dia setuju ke tak. Event tu lambat lagi tapi dah mula fikir. Tak pe la. Kita yang rancang, Allah yang menentukan. Just pray to Allah for everything to be clear and safe ^^
Satu lagi, diorang cakap U-kiss akan perform lagu Japanese. Maybe A Shared Dream and Forbidden Love. You know kan choreo Forbidden Love? That part kan. Kalau tengok live, for sure tutup mata sambil jerit. *i'm not that pervert* Me and Yaya excited giler dah ni nak jumpa diorang. Dah la ada autograph session. Lagi terlebih excited la kitorang ni :) Face to face ngan diorang. For sure cair kat situ. Speechless sekali. Can't wait la.
And also kitorang bukan je boleh jumpa U-kiss but also akak-akak semua. Fatin, Mimi, Anise, Shima for the very first time. MESTI BAWA KAMERA. Kalau tak bawa, menyesal seumur hidup la aku ni. And also bestnya boleh jumpa ramai Kiss Me. Boleh kongsi pendapat pasal bias and everything la. Hope dapat pergi.
Good New is U-KISS is coming to Malaysia this May. Well, on 26th May 2012. Yeay *loncat-loncat*. I think its true since semua orang kecoh pasal benda ni. One more thing, its FREE. Who won't go for something free? Everyone will kan?! Tapi, my mom cakap kat aku "Kalau free tak payah pergi la." And i was like"????" Tak faham! Maybe
Tapi keburukan free ni ialah, too many people since everyone can afford it. Takkan la aku nak pergi mall tu pagi-pagi semata-mata sebab event tu start petang. Sebelum mall tu buka, dah ada depan pintu. Ya Allah~ Serius tak sanggup kalau aku sensorang. Tapi,kalau aku datang lewat, penuh la tempat tu jawabnya. The answer is duduk belakang la sayang oi. Hope not la.
Okay. Since aku stay kat Terengganu, aku mesti la 'bodek' ayah aku nak pergi KL. I got 1000 reasons to go there. *LOL*
Also, i got relatives there. One of them is a fan of Kpop. Okay, dia Inspirit but who cares? She have lot of friend that really strong to these Kpop thing. Kalau tak silap, salah sorang kawan dia tu official ketua fanclub U-kiss Malaysia. Maybe should ask help from her . ^^ Dapat VIP service ke. Who knows kan?? haha XD
If you know, 26th May tu Hari Belia. That mean CUTI . Teen Top and Dal SHabet pun datang but not the same event with U-kiss. It's something berkaitan dengan Hari Belia. Last year kan jemput Super Junior M. Tukar-tukar la. Who knows next year maybe SNSD? Okay. Forget those Teen Top thing. I'm not a really fan of them so I don't really care.
I'm going to discuss with Yaya about this. What to do? What to bring? Do we have to make a fanboard? What we have to give them? and etc. Should I berpakat dengan Kak Mimi? Tapi tak tahu la dia setuju ke tak. Event tu lambat lagi tapi dah mula fikir. Tak pe la. Kita yang rancang, Allah yang menentukan. Just pray to Allah for everything to be clear and safe ^^
Satu lagi, diorang cakap U-kiss akan perform lagu Japanese. Maybe A Shared Dream and Forbidden Love. You know kan choreo Forbidden Love? That part kan. Kalau tengok live, for sure tutup mata sambil jerit. *i'm not that pervert* Me and Yaya excited giler dah ni nak jumpa diorang. Dah la ada autograph session. Lagi terlebih excited la kitorang ni :) Face to face ngan diorang. For sure cair kat situ. Speechless sekali. Can't wait la.
And also kitorang bukan je boleh jumpa U-kiss but also akak-akak semua. Fatin, Mimi, Anise, Shima for the very first time. MESTI BAWA KAMERA. Kalau tak bawa, menyesal seumur hidup la aku ni. And also bestnya boleh jumpa ramai Kiss Me. Boleh kongsi pendapat pasal bias and everything la. Hope dapat pergi.